Section A: 15/32
Grade for the section: D+
WWW: /
EBI: q1 covered print text fully, and timing was improved i.e. q3 was completed
Q1: extra paragraph covering print:
How are media language techniques used to make the two media products appear
believable and authoritative?
Dramatic events have been used by the editor in order to attract audience attention in the print text. These events are challenging and about real people, and real life events therefore seem very believable and make the products appear authoritative.
Q3: Attempted
What are the advantages and disadvantages for audiences of media products that do not rely on advertising, government or business funding?
You should refer to other media products to support your answer.
Less pressure to produce media that makes a profit
Freedom of the press
Freedom of speech, right to be ‘offensive’?
New and digital media allows for global media without huge institution
Lack of funding, struggling to survive so majors still dominate
Lower production values
Does it have authority?
Does it just reach a small audience who agree with values anyway?
Theories/Quotes to include:
Global Village - Marshall Mc Luhan
Two Step Flow - Opinion Leaders
“We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true.” - Robert WilenskyAuthority - hegemony & Marxism, media elite control NDM
Section B: 37/48
Grade for the section: B+
WWW: good use of theory/keywords
EBI: needs to be a bit more..(cant read word) ?
Overall: 52/80
Overall Grade: B -
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