Monday, 15 December 2014

Critical Investigation Task #3 Historical text analysis and research

Research a historical text that you can use to compare with your contemporary one (that is the main focus of your investigation). By 'historical' we mean anything pre-2000 but the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s or even 80s might be more fruitful because they pre-date many of the important changes that have occurred more recently (such as the gains for women as a result of feminism; or greater equality for ethnic minorities now that we are - arguably - a more inclusive and multi-cultural society; or the ground-breaking developments in new media/digital technology)

  • how society and the issue you are investigating has changed over the years and how these changes are reflected in different media texts, or - to put it another way...
  • how popular culture reflects the 'spirit of the age' or Zeitgeist
This shows that in the past - (video from 1960's). Joan Rivers, does this comedy show based on stereotypes and the norms of society in 1967. She states how a girl is different to guys and she is the one who has to wait to be called by a male, if she wants a proposal/date - these beliefs that males are superior and  there isn't any gender equality in 1967 is the Zeitgeist.

The stereotypes of females are based on the truth(Perkins) in this comedy showing - showing and mocking the role and difference between man & woman in the society.

This is similar to my main text saving face - although it is filmed in 2011-12 - several years later to this comedy show, the same beliefs follow in the society in many Places of Pakistan - that being that females should remain submissive, and have less choice on what is to be done or said. Also, to be married at a young age, without consent in some cases, to spare the humiliation from society. 

(insert other text)

  • how society and the issue you are investigating has changed over the years and how these changes are reflected in different media texts, or - to put it another way...
  • how popular culture reflects the 'spirit of the age' or Zeitgeist

Watch at least one film/TV programme/video game/music video from the past, make notes on it and research it in Media/Film Studies textbooks and on the internet. The best option is to watch/play the whole text on DVD/online or otherwise you might be able to see extracts on YouTube. Answer the following questions:

Text 1:

  • How is it similar/different to your main text?
  • How does this show how the genre/society/issue has changed?

    This video is not only based in Pakistan - where my main text Saving Face was filmed - but it also involves Pakistani women who are acid attack victims. This is seen negatively, and as a generic view of women in Pakistan. This is a news report from an American news company - and includes segments of a documentary on 'Pakistani Women' - and domestic Violence against women.

    There isn't much of a difference between what has happened recently - shown in Saving Face, nor the text above, as females are shown to be the key victims and it is due to domestic violence - by family members, such as Husbands - exactly how it is in Saving Face. There's not much change, other than the change in awareness and actions to stop it, such as more committees being raised for the crime of acid attacks - also, criminals being a little less able to flee the scene, and not being put behind bars than 8 years ago when the text above was recorded.

    However, even after strict laws being put in place - similar to the text above, in Saving Face it is shown that no one is to hear much from the victim - as she is a female thus seen inferior - showing there's a lack of gender equality. Also, there is still not enough international awareness as there should be, however due to the Documentary Saving Face winning an Oscar and being mentioned in a number of articles and other humanitarian awards,

    On the other hand, although great awareness has been raised about these issues through documentary's such as Saving Face and news channels - if they are shown in Pakistan many victims can get offended, and be endangered to face the life threatening assaults of an acid attack again.

    Text 2 :
  • How is it similar/different to your main text?
  • How does this show how the genre/society/issue -has changed? 
    This is another recent text on feminism. It is Emma Watson's UN speech - where she discusses her new campaign to end #HeForShe. This shows something is being done to progress Feminism, in all country's. Watson states that femisim, i.e. gender equlity doesn't exsist in any country as a whole - and she believes that feminism has become an inpopular word, similarly - how women speaking up for their rights in pakistan has become unpopular, and the society don't always stand with them - as shown. This is evident in my main text Saving Face - where a victim's husband and his family had thrown acid on her and burnt her body, and later denied any allegations against - and claimed Rukhsana (acid attack victim), burnt her self & lit herself on fire.  
Other texts: 1980's-2000:
Indira gandhi speech feminism

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