-''six types of modes of documentary Expository , Poetic, Observational , Participatory, Performative , Reflexive''
-Stella Bruzzi 2000 Criticsed Nichols for suggesting that Doc. makers have aimed for the 'perfect representation of the real’ and would fail in this impossible aim, thus undermining the documentary form
TOM BADWEN, 40 years since the Equal Pay Act, equality remains a dream March 2011
- "Men still earn more than women in nearly 90% of job categories, according to analysis by The Guardian"
- "Men earn 42.4% more in their annual salaries"
- "The average man working full-time has a median salary, including overtime, of £28,091 in 2010, 19.9% more than his female counterpart"
Nichols, Bill. 'Foreword', in Barry Keith Grant and Jeannette Sloniowski Documenting The Documentary: Close Readings of Documentary Film and Video.
Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1997
-''Documentary's were originally shot on film stock—the only medium available—but now includes video and digital productions that can be either direct-to-video, made into a TV show or released for screening in cinemas.''
-"film-making practice, a cinematic tradition, and mode of audience reception"
-''Documentary's are continually evolving and are without clear boundaries''
John Grierson
- 'a documentary is "creative treatment of actuality'
-''Documentary's are continually evolving and are without clear boundaries''
John Grierson
- 'a documentary is "creative treatment of actuality'
- single-shot moments captured on film: a train entering a station, a boat docking, or factory workers leaving work. These short films were called "actuality" films; the term "documentary" was not coined until 1926
Rubin, Alissa J.; Nordland, Rod (December 10, 2011).Four Afghan Men Held In Acid Attack On Family . ALISSA J. RUBIN and ROD NORDLAND (The New York Times).2010
- the situation is improving slowly as the country progresses with the help of the international community
-the government would prosecute the attackers under the Elimination of Violence Against Women law, which was passed last year.
-The law, however, specifically prohibits chemical attacks on women.
-from March 2010 to March 2011, there had been 2,299 complaints of gender-motivated abuse registered with the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission, but that only 7 percent of those cases ended up in a prosecution.
Kavita Choudary. India is fourth most dangerous place in the world for women, (India Today - 2011)
-According to a global poll conducted by Thomson Reuters, India and Afghanistan are in the "top 5 most dangerous countries" in the world for women
Owen Bowcott. Afghanistan worst place in the world for women, but India in top five, (The Guardian 2011)
-basic human rights are systematically denied to women.
- "Pakistan has some of the highest rates of dowry murder, so-called honour killings and early marriage." According to Pakistan's human rights commission, as many as 1,000 women and girls die in honour killings annually.
-"Women who do attempt to speak out or take on public roles that challenge ingrained gender stereotypes of what is acceptable for women to do or not, such as working as policewomen or news broadcasters, are often intimidated or killed."
Omar Farooq Khan. Pakistan second-worst country in gender equality (Indian Times) 2014
''Pakistan has emerged as the world's second-worst country in terms of gender equality, according to the annual Global Gender Gap Report published by the World Economic Forum.''
"Pakistani Women's Human Rights Organization (PWHRO)" April 2014.
'13% increase in violence against women in Pakistan in the year 2009''
''today females make up only 15% of the formal labor force in Pakistan, and although this is almost triple what is was 20 years ago, this is still a very dismal amount''